Tag Archives: pbsm
PBSM Scotland Highlands Tour – Day 4 : Going east around Loch Ness
PBSM Scotland Highlands Tour – Day 3 : Exploring the north

Day 3 of the Scotland Highlands Tour, but actually the first day we start exploring the beautiful roads of Scotland. This day we ventured north, in the direction of Ullapool, then further north and back to Torridon (I on the map below) via the east. I am afraid I do not have a lot of photos of this day, but I’ve got something better: a video shot from the dash of my V12 Roadster.
PBSM Scotland Highlands Tour – Day 2 : From Newcastle to Torridon
PBSM Scotland Highlands Tour – Day 1 : To the ferry in IJmuiden

Each year, the Dutch Aston Martin club “Power Beauty Soulmates” (PBSM) organizes a one week trip to a location suited for lots of driving fun. Previous destinations include Le Mans, Isle of Man and the italian Dolomites. Sixteen teams (so 16 Aston Martins!) signed up for this year’s trip: to the Scottish Highlands! Watch this space for my day-to-day report of the Scotland Highlands tour. Here’s day 1:
PBSM Club Sunday Drive – June 2013

Two months ago had gone by since the last Sunday Drive of the Dutch “Power Beauty Soulmates”, so it was time for another meeting. This time, 12 PBSM members and their Astons met for lunch at the Kieviet Hotel in Wassenaar. After lunch, they left for a nice route along the Dutch coast, via Katwijk, Noordwijk, Zandvoort, to end up for drinks at the Duin en Kruidberg hotel in Santpoort.
17 Aston Martins gather at Dutch “Power Beauty Soulmates” meeting

The “Power Beauty Soulmates” (or PBSM) is a Dutch Aston club that meets every first Sunday of the even months. So last Sunday, April 7, PBSM members were invited to meet at the GeoFort in Herwijnen. The weather was great, so a lot of Aston Martins turned up, 17 in total. The owners of the GeoFort let us park our cars on the fort area itself, resulting in a nice row of shiny Astons. Here’s a selection of the pics I took.