Rapide S breaks down in flood

So what happened here?
A Rapide S, stationary in a pool of water, with the windows open and the fuel cap open?

Rapide S in flood

The above happened in Maidstone, Kent, UK. According to the original news article, the owner of this Rapide S was driving into the flood water, trusting he could easily make it to the other end without problems. But no, the Rapide’s electric system was damaged and it broke down.

I was just trying to get home and it conked out. I thought I’d be okay, but I wasn’t.

The driver had to abandon his car. The windows (and maybe also the fuel cap) opened automatically because of the electrical fault.

BTW: it’s not the first time a Rapide tested the water. This is a picture from May 2013, in China:

rapide in flood in china

Source: Metro.co.uk


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